Want to create a link and wait until a release (or later date) to publish? Learn about our drafts feature!

Steps to save a draft:

  1. Click ‘add to your page
  2. Choose the type of link you’d like to create
  3. Fill out the details / paste in the link to the content you’d like to add
  4. Click the ‘save as draft’ button


Your link is now in drafts!

Steps to see and/or publish a draft

  1. Click the ‘drafts’ button in the settings menu


  1. From here, you can see all of the links you have in drafts
  2. Click on the one you’d like to publish (if any)
  3. Press the blue ‘publish’ button in the bottom right
  4. Alternatively, drag and drop links from your drafts right into the main section of your profile.

<aside> 📨 Any questions? Reach out to [email protected]
