Welcome to the hoo.be community! We’re so excited to have you join the world’s top creators 😎
Let’s dive into the basics - tap the pencil icon to access and update your basic profile:
Here you’ll be able to add or update your name, bio, link and profile image as shown below:
To access the rest of your settings, click on ‘settings’ from the menu as shown below:
Then you’ll be able to access and edit:
<aside> ✨ basic info: Manage your account and bio settings.
<aside> 📨 private info: Phone number, email, category, city, state, and gender.
<aside> 🔔 notifications: Opt into notifications from hoo.be (exclusive product and feature updates).
<aside> 🚀 join hoo.be popup: As part of your Pro membership, you can toggle to enable or disable your popup so visitors to your profile can create their own account.
<aside> 👾 pixels: Connect Facebook or Instagram pixels to your profile for advanced data and tracking.